Monday, July 18, 2011

How to reset trust between parent and child domains

Try this from the parent domain:

NETDOM TRUST / /UserD:child\administrator /PasswordD:* /UserO:parent\administrator /PasswordO:* /Reset /TwoWay

Monday, January 24, 2011

VMware: Not using Fault-tolerance? Turn off FT to enable Cluster Compliance

To disable Fault Tolerance compliance checks:
  1. Right-click the cluster and click Edit Settings > VMware HA > Advanced Options
  2. Enter das.includeFTcomplianceChecks in a blank field, and give it a value of false.

    When this setting is applied, Fault Tolerance Compliance Checks are removed from the description under theProfile Compliance Tab for the cluster and is no longer a role during a Cluster Compliance check.
Note: To re-enable the checks, remove the das.includeFTcomplianceChecks option.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

To remove unused plug-in from vCenter use Managed Object Reference

Found at http://vcenterservername/mob

Logon with vSphere credentials;

  1. Click on content, then
  2. Extension manager
  3. Find the plug-in which needs to be removed; for example, look for extensionList["VirtualCenter"], the parameter you need is just VirtualCenter
  4. Click UnregisterExtension, in the VALUE field, enter the name of the plug-in you wish (in this example it's VirtualCenter
  5. Click on Invoke Method (to remove plug-in